30 December 2022

24 December 2022

23 December 2022

02 December 2022

18 November 2022

A91OMA - Omani National Day 52 QRT


Bahrain Amateur Radio Society (BARS) is proud to announce the end of its participation in the Omani National Day 52 by using the special callsign A91OMA.

A91OMA QRT today with 325 QSOs.

12 November 2022

A91OMA - Omani National Day 52 QRV


Bahrain Amateur Radio Society (BARS) participates in the special event of the Omani National Day 52 from 12 to 18 Nov 2022 by using the callsign A91OMA.

11 November 2022

29 October 2022

AGDX Roundtable - 87/2022

AGDX Roundtable was on 7.160 MHz at 4:00 UTC.

  1. A41MO
  2. A61R
  3. A71XX
  4. A71AM
  5. 9K2KO
  6. 9K9C operated by 9K2BS

28 October 2022

14 October 2022

08 October 2022

07 October 2022

01 October 2022

30 September 2022

AGDX Roundtable - 78/2022

AGDX Roundtable was on 7.160 MHz at 4:00 UTC.

  1. A41MO
  2. A61R
  3. A71XX
  4. 9K2KO
  5. A61AS
  6. 9K2BS

24 September 2022

23 September 2022

A91ARS - Saudi National Day 92 QRT


Bahrain Amateur Radio Society (BARS) is proud to announce the end of its participation in the Saudi National Day 92 by using the special callsign A91ARS.

Special thanks to the following BARS members for their participation.

  1. A92AA
  2. A92EE
  3. A93LT

Also, special thanks to the Saudi Amateur Radio Society (SARS) for their support.

A91ARS QRT today with 1390 QSOs.

AGDX Roundtable - 76/2022

AGDX Roundtable was on 7.160 MHz at 4:00 UTC.

  1. A41MO
  2. A61R
  3. A91ARS - operated by A92AA
  4. A71XX
  5. A61AS
  6. A41LU

17 September 2022

A91ARS - Saudi National Day 92

Bahrain Amateur Radio Society (BARS) participated in Saudi National Day 92 on HF bands by using the callsign A91ARS on SSB mode & FT8 mode from 17 - 23 Sep 2022.

  1. A92AA - Fawaz
  2. A92EE - Mohammed
  3. A93LT - Ely

AGDX Roundtable - 75/2022

AGDX Roundtable was on 7.160 MHz at 4:00 UTC.

  1. A41MO
  2. A61R
  3. A92AA
  4. A71XX
  5. A61BG

16 September 2022

AGDX Roundtable - 74/2022

AGDX Roundtable was on 7.160 MHz at 4:00 UTC.

  1. A41MO
  2. A61R
  3. A92AA
  4. A71XX/MM
  5. A71AM
  6. 9K2BS
  7. A61HA
  8. A41LU

10 September 2022

09 September 2022

AGDX Roundtable - 72/2022

AGDX Roundtable was on 7.160 MHz at 4:00 UTC.

  1. A41MO
  2. A92AA
  3. A71XX
  4. A71AM
  5. A61AS
  6. A71FJ
  7. A61FJ

03 September 2022

AGDX Roundtable - 71/2022

AGDX Roundtable was on 7.160 MHz at 4:00 UTC.

  1. A41MO
  2. A61R
  3. A92AA
  4. A71XX
  5. 9K2KO
  6. A61BG
  7. A41LU

28 August 2022

QO-100 Station Setup

QO-100 station setup is ready to work on satellite:

  1. DxPatrol
  2. Icom IC-7100
  3. 90cm Dish
  4. LMR400 coaxial cable

26 August 2022

AGDX Roundtable - 68/2022

 AGDX Roundtable was on 7.160 MHz at 4:00 UTC.

  1. A41MO
  2. A61R
  3. A92AA
  4. A71XX
  5. A41JM
  6. A61AS

20 August 2022

AGDX Roundtable - 67/2022

AGDX Roundtable was on 7.160 MHz at 4:00 UTC.

  1. A41MO
  2. A61R
  3. A92AA
  4. A71XX
  5. 7Z1AH
  6. 7Z1CT

19 August 2022

AGDX Roundtable - 66/2022

AGDX Roundtable was on 7.160 MHz at 4:00 UTC.

  1. A41MO
  2. A61R
  3. A92AA
  4. A71XX 
  5. 9K2KO
  6. A71KK

13 August 2022

AGDX Roundtable - 65/2022

 AGDX Roundtable was on 7.160 MHz at 4:00 UTC.

  1. A41MO
  2. A61R
  3. A92AA
  4. A71XX 
  5. 9K2KO
  6. A71AM
  7. A41LU