25 March 2018


A92AA + A93LT ended their annual participation in the celebration of World Meteorological Day 2018.

More than 1000 QSO done this year in SSB mode & FT8 mode

A91WMD QRT on 24 March

Special thanks to:
  • The Directorate of Meteorological at Ministry of Transportations and Telecommunications for supporting us.
  • FT8DMC club for supporting this event.

Looking forward to meet you all next year.

24 March 2018

A92AA's ZUMspot Dashboard


Logging D-STAR QSO's

I start using D-STAR since 21 March 2018, and I decide to use Log4OM to log all my D-STAR activities for personal use. 

The main reason of having this log is to identify if I talk to any station before or not.

21 March 2018

A91WMD Day 1

A91WRD QRV on 40m FT8 mode, 56 QSO done



First D-STAR Station in Bahrain

Today, I had my first D-STAR QSO with VE3SIZ
I was on Skype with A65DC trying to fix my D-STAR setup in my Icom IC-7100

My mobile working condition consist of Icom IC-7100, MMDVM as my hotspot, mobile internet router.

This is the First D-STAR station in Bahrain 

Thanks a lot to Martin A65DC for his effort to setup my D-STAR station remotely from Dubai.

20 March 2018


A91WMD will QRV from 21 - 23 March 2018, mainly in FT8 mode.

A91WMD is credited to FT8DMC BSC Award (Bahrain Special Call Sign) 

17 March 2018

16 March 2018

AGDX Roundtable - 21/2018

We were on air on 40M at 04:00 UTC.
  1. 9K2GS
  2. A61R
  3. A92AA
  4. A71AM
  5. 9K2WA
  6. 9K2OD
  7. 9K2YM
  8. HZ1DG
  9. A61MH

13 March 2018

A91YOZ - Press Release #8

This week, I start from mid night local time on 40m then I shift to 20m.

  • On 40m, I did 67 QSO
  • On 20m, I did 302 QSO
  • Total QSO's since January 1626, 63 DXCC.

10 March 2018

AGDX Roundtable - 20/2018

We were on air on 40M at 04:00 UTC.
  1. 9K2GS
  2. A61R
  3. A92AA
  4. 9K2WA
  5. A71AM
  6. HZ1BT
  7. HZ1BW
  8. HZ1MX
  9. 9K2BS

06 March 2018

A91YOZ - Press Release #7

This week, I work on 15m then I shift to 17m.

  • On 15m, I did 107 QSO
  • On 17m, I did 22 QSO
  • Total QSO's since January 1257.